Carlos trade is a cryptocurrency exchange service for exchanging your cryptocurrency to fiat or vice versa at cool and affordable rates.
We operate in a very simple way. Just create an account, your account will be verified and you can start buying and selling crypto.
Get StartedCarlos trade is built with so many features to ensure a good user experience.
Our platform is designed with security in mind to ensure data privacy of our users.
Our customer support service is awesome to ensure everything is working great for our customer.
We are always on alert whenever a transaction is started so as to confirm and send coins across instantly.
Verification is fast and instant so that you can get started on the platform as soon as possible.
We designed the platform to be simple and easy to use. The simpler the better.
We are building mobile apps to ensure quicker access and security for our users.
Create account with an email address.
Verify email address and bank details
You can start selling and buying crypto